Dump station is available at no charge.
Cluster camp sites: have Water & Electric.
You MUST specify your choice of LOT (not space).
Email: rvamana@amanas.net
Amana RV Center policy is NO REFUNDS
Click Image for Full Size PDF Map
Tri City Kennel Club | Cedar Rapids Kennel Association present another great show.
Our location remains in Amana, IA. The Amana RV Park provides ample RV parking, and our show offers vendors and tons of fun!
In the surrounding areas you will also find Iowa City University & Hospitals, Tanager Outlet and Coral Ridge Malls. Both Iowa City and Cedar Rapids offer historical sites, arts, sports, dining, and nestled in West Branch you will also find President Herbert Hoover's home. Wrap up your four-day weekend with the Amanas! amanacolonies.com
We look forward to seeing you at the Amana Colonies Cluster Dog Shows in 2024!